
A large hospital in Canada uses steam in a variety of unique ways. They heat their building with it but also use it to sterilize instruments. They need to be very careful with the use of chemicals and yet need the highest degree of cleanliness on these tools. Steam is a brilliant and efficient answer.
They are constantly being asked to cut costs and find more efficient ways of operating. They had a competitive solution in place but they only put monitors on 5% of their traps, leaving many un-monitored with potential for long term failures and unnecessary energy costs.
Solution is cost effective, easily transferable and flexible enough to fit a multitude of uses
Pulse was able to put monitors on all steam traps in the hospital and, even with the cost of replacement of existing monitors, saw a huge reduction in energy costs which made them realize a return in investment in a very short while. The hospital has a wide variety of pipe sizes which was not a problem for Pulse whose monitors have the flexibility to fit on all sizes of pipes.
Email alerts are sent to multiple operations and maintenance personnel who work different shifts and locations. They don’t need to have to access a central monitor to quickly and easily assess failures and alerts. A few months after the initial install a wing was restructured, it was a simple matter to move and add monitors into the system.
“We are under intense scrutiny after the pandemic to be sterile and cost effective - steam gives us both”
Fits all sizes of pipes
System went from 5% to 90% of traps monitored at all times
They realized instant ROI from the project
Scaleable and easily transferable monitors offer flexibility of installation
Steam for heating and sterilization is now operating at peak efficiency enabling hospital to funnel savings into additional services